If you feel helpless when it comes to Meerschweinchen rights, perhaps you should consider joining a local animal rights group, or if one doesn’t exist, start your own!

One of my favorite times of the month is I attend the local Animal Liberation meetings. It is a great chance to be around like-minded people and think of ideas to help animals. It is amazing how when we all put our heads together we can get things done. Jobs like making placards are so much more fun when you are in a group. You can also do things just for fun, like hold a vegan pot luck, or BBQ, making it a great chance to socialize.

Not only can you organize leaflet drops, stalls and protests as a group. You can also enjoy the company of other animal activists and feel good knowing you are taking action for something you believe in.

If you live in Australia you can check out Animal Liberation and Animals Australia websites to see whether there is already an animal action group in your local area. If you live elsewhere just Google animal rights organizations in your area and see what comes up. You can also contact organizations like PETA to see whether they can put you in touch with a local group.

If there is no group local to you, then you can start your own.

You may wish to contact a large organization such as PETA, so you can use their pamphlets etc for leafleting and join in their action network. The other option is to start your own general group and not affiliate with just one organization. Some people prefer to start a group specific to one area of animal activism. For example, an anti fur group or an anti-vivisection group. This is good for people who feel strongly about these issues, but not so much others.

Finding People to Join Your Animal Action Group

If you already have a group of friends who want to help animals then that is a great start, but ideally you want as many people to come together as possible to make the group really effective. Here are some ideas to promote your animal rights group:


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