The electric bedliner market collectively accounted for 1043k units in 2016 and is anticipated to incline to 285188K units by 2030. The governments of various countries are very focused on pushing up EV sales to reduce the pollution level and thereby the global warming. With manufacturers rolling out new models and charging infrastructure picking up speed. The market is anticipated to witness immense growth during the forecast period.
In the Report “Electric Vehicle Market: By Types (BEV, HEV, PHEV); By Modules (Body & Chassis, Powertrain, Infotainment, Safety & Security); By Geography (Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, RoW) – Forecast (2018 to 2023)”, published by IndustryARC, the market will be driven by development and advanced batteries in the coming decades.

Electrification is the most viable way to achieve clean and efficient transportation that is crucial to the sustainable development of the whole world. The present division of year says, the electric vehicle technology including hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs), plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), and pure battery electric vehicles (BEVs) will dominate the clean vehicle market.

Asia-Pacific Dominates with Major Growth in the Electric Vehicle Market

Geographically, the Electric vehicle market is present in regions of North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and rest of the world. The new plea of cars has increased by 70% from 2016. In 2016, over 550,000 vehicles were adopted globally which include both battery electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid vehicle. Research say China is expected to extend its industry leadership by making gains across all dimensions of the supply side EVs, including current projected production of EVs and their components. Overall, Germany and United States of America also perform well in the industry, with number of major changes in EV production. These countries saw slight fall of market, due to electric motor production because of China’s expansion.

Sales Analysis Done in Full Report:

The higher capacity batteries sales has increased. It is noticed that direct re-use is always cheaper than batteries under similar productivity environment. The PHEV is mapping towards sale and expected to come up with best price deal. The pricing concept gives you an idea about the estimation price of the present market, as the advancement in electric motor transmission batteries are under major development. The expansion and product launch will elucidate establishment cost and electric automobiles to sustain for longer period of time.

Selected Type and Application Analysis Done in the Full Report:

The uptake of EVs is the result of several factors, including strong technological progress, cost reductions and policy support, including purchase incentives, driving and parking access advantages, and increased public charging infrastructure availability. The BEVs dominated the sales over the hybrid cars in most countries until 2015. But, the plug-in vehicle (PHEV) sales have grown rapidly in the past two years and as of now the PHEVs market is nearly equal to BEV sales worldwide. PHEVs have a considerable range of advantages due to its ongoing battery performance improvements and making feasible in cost reduction driving to achieve maximum share in the marketplace.

Excerpts on Market Growth Factors

After the diesel emission scandal, in the city of California,$44 million investment was made by Electrify America to bring hundreds of electric vehicles to the city. The project includes 260 electric vehicles. The vehicles can locate nearby cars with an app and drive them anywhere within a 13 square mile radius. The vehicles will be available in early 2019.
ISRO announced to start its major project on lithium-ion cell technology to bring the adoption of non-exclusive basis for usage in automobiles. This initiative will accelerate the development of indigenous electric vehicle industry.
The growing adoption of electric cars is creating new opportunity for Volkswagen. It says that quantum computing technology could help to build customized batteries, with a chemical blueprint that will speed up development and production of electric vehicles batteries. This will build a specialized and customized car battery for future green cars.


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