iptv premium has become an important part of nearly everyone’s life. It does not only entertain, but it also informs the public of national and international affairs. Broadcasting is beneficial for everyone as it provides up-to-date information about what is happening all over the world.
Children have sharp minds that can easily retain visual images. Watching television can help them learn and understand things better; however, television can be harmful for children if they are watching inappropriate programs. Sometimes this cannot be prevented. There are some programs that can affect the child’s perception, health, behavior, and/or attitude.
Television can affect children in so many ways. It may affect them positively since children can learn by watching television or it can affect them negatively where children focus too intently on television or watch inappropriate material. It can affect the child’s grades, eating habits, and/or behavior. Researchers have proven these negative effects and they suggest that parents manage their child’s television viewing appropriately. Watching television can also affect the social life of children. This is because some children tend to focus more on watching their favorite shows and forget about going outside to interact and play with other children. Television can take away the child’s time for family bonding. Children can also miss out on sports or learning to play a musical instrument if too involved in television.
Television can be a good thing, but excessive watching can cause several disadvantages. It may replace the child’s usual activities such as playing outside. The child may spend less time interacting with their family and suffer from a decline in their school grades from lack of studying. It may also cause them to eat unhealthy foods due to numerous commercials that encourage eating fast food and junk food. Lastly, they often see their favorite television icons doing unfavorable things such as drinking alcohol or smoking. They often want to imitate these characters and may try those unfavorable things.
Studies have not yet proven whether watching television can affect the development of the child’s brain. There are studies that have linked attention problems, such as ADHD, to television viewing. There are several experts who do not agree with the results of these studies.
Parents can help their children by reducing their exposure to television. Disciplining children may be the key to preventing excessive television viewing. In addition, the effects of television on children are not only negative. There are also positive contributions. Provide your children with positive educational media. It is said that children can recall more when they have seen it. Also, when your child is watching television, you can join them so that you can explain or help answer any questions that they may have.