In a published interview he gave to the Wall Street Journal on September 24 2010, Comprar avaliações Google CEO Eric Schmidt dismissed any notions that Facebook was an immediate threat to Mountain View. Mr. Schmidt suggested that the company’s immediate threat was Microsoft Bing and that it was too early to tell how strong a competitor Facebook would be.
Evidently, Eric Schmidt seems to think that Facebook is not an immediate threat to Google but there is some evidence to the contrary. A report in the widely respected technology blog Techcrunch revealed on September 1,2010 that many Google employees are leaving the company and some have gone to Facebook. Some of the most prominent employees to have left the company include Omar Hamoui, the founder of AdMob; Lars Rasmussen, who along with three others developed Google map and wave left to team up with Facebook in November 2010.
These recent personnel movements suggests that Facebook is proving to be a formidable internet company that has witnessed astonishing growth. However, there have been several comparisons or suggestions as to how Facebook will become a viable alternative to Google or become more powerful than Google. Evidently, Google just like other internet properties like Myspace and Yahoo are seeking to challenge the dominance of Facebook in the social networking space. Google however has huge resources and continues to make acquisitions at a pace that is designed to dominate any segment they play in.
Google especially sees Facebook as a threat because its huge user base of 500 million could well double in a few years using the last five years as a guide. Obviously the more users Facebook has it becomes more powerful; takes in more revenue; generates more traffic and takes market share from Google. Technology analysts have noted that when it comes to competition Google takes on all comers. For example, Google outbid Viacom to buy YouTube for $1 billion; Google outbid Apple to buy Admob for $750 million; Google outplayed Microsoft and tied up with Yahoo Japan; Google acquired ITA for $750 million a company that that provides travel information to visitors on the web.
In addition, Google’s acquisition of Android in 2005 has positioned it as a one of the leaders in the smart phone market today. The wide adoption of Android will ensure that Google will likely continue to dominate search on the mobile space. There is no doubt that Google is seeking to become a key player in the social networking space. This is why Google launched Buzz and as Facebook threatens to unseat Google as the most visited website in the world, Google is set to launch a challenge to keep its number one position. It is clear that by developing a social networking platform based on the idea of integrating various aspects of Google social networking elements into one platform Google is pursuing what Marketing strategists regard as a master brand strategy. A master brand strategy suggests that Google is building most of its other offerings or sub brand names under the master brand name -Google. Evidently, from a Marketing perspective all Google products that are developed and carry the Google brand name benefit from the strong brand equity of the main brand and therefore would likely enjoy a positive Market off-take.
Clearly, Google is seeking to enhance its social networking platform because it seems that Facebook would soon overtake the technology giant as the most powerful website. As a result, Google has renewed interest in building a formidable social networking platform designed to beat back the challenge posed by Facebook. Facebook is also aligned with Microsoft -a company seeking to dethrone Google as the search king on the web.